Gloucester Cathedral

Julia Holberry Associates wrote the Round 2 Activity Plan for Gloucester Cathedral’s Project Pilgrim, which aims to enhance the impact of a visit to Gloucester Cathedral so that people will be able to connect with its life and heritage in new ways.

    • Activity Plans & Interpretation Plans, Heritage Lottery Fund Successes
    • Round 2 Activity Plan, 2015. Awarded £4.16 million

Julia Holberry Associates wrote the Round 2 Activity Plan for Gloucester Cathedral’s Project Pilgrim, an ambitious three-phased programme of restoration, connection and engagement which aims to enhance the impact of a visit to Gloucester Cathedral so that people will be able to connect with its life and heritage in new ways

The £6 million Project will create a new public square in the Cathedral grounds, present a new entrance and welcome area, improve access and story-telling across the site and will enable conservation of the 15th Century Lady Chapel and its stained glass. Improvements to the fabric of the Cathedral will be supported by a varied programme of activities aimed at engaging wider and more diverse audiences and many new volunteering opportunities.

The activity planning process has involved extensive consultation with users and non-users through focus groups, individual face-to-face and telephone interviews, an online survey and three pilot activities.

The project was awarded £4.16  million by the NLHF in March 2016.