JHA wrote the Activity Plan for the Huguenot Heritage Centre’s successful Round 2 NLHF bid.
The Directors of the French Hospital in Rochester intend to establish a new museum in Rochester that celebrates the contribution of the Huguenots to British society. They secured £90,000 at Round 1 towards an £1.3 million project and Julia Holberry Associates, with Alison Porter and Alis Templeton, were appointed to write the Activity Plan.
We interviewed eight key stakeholders, benchmarked the project against four comparators, interviewed 20 learning providers (including primary and secondary schools, HE and FE colleges, museum learning officers, U3A and WEA), held two focus of groups families and older people, interviewed 14 community groups representing a diverse range of people, interviewed eight potential partners and conducted an online survey. We wrote an Activity Plan that proposed an interpretative framework for the displays, and programmes for community and formal learning engagement, volunteering and training. We worked closely with interpretative designers and architects on the project and consultation feedback helped to shape the interpretation and building design.
The Heritage Centre was awarded £1.2m in March 2014.