Kingston Museum and Heritage Service, London

Kingston Museum and Heritage Service, London

JHA examined the location options for integrating the museum service and record office onto a single site

    • Options Appraisals & Feasibility Studies, Strategic Planning & Reviews
    • Strategic review and HLF Round 1 bid, 2013

JHA examined the location options for integrating the museum service and record office onto a single site.

Kingston Museum and Heritage Services appointed Julia Holberry Associates to undertake a strategic review of the Museum and Archive services, with a view to bringing them together on a single site.  Working with Levitt Bernstein architects and Courtney Consulting, the work involved:

  • a service review, including consultation with staff and stakeholders
  • an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each service
  • public consultation to establish evidence of need
  • an analysis of a long list and then short list of site options
  • working up the capital and revenue implications of the preferred option
  • advising and writing sections of the Round 1 HLF bid.