JHA wrote an integrated Activity Plan and Interpretation Plan for Malvern’s project to connect the town with the hills
Julia Holberry Associates worked with Malvern District Council and their eight partners to reconnect the town centre with the Malvern Hills through interpretation of the Malvern’s heritage and activities based on the rich mix of arts, nature and history. The team assembled a consortium of consultants including a Project Manager (Julia Holberry), activity planners (associates Courtney Consulting and Newbery & England) and a team of designers (associates Outside Studios).
We undertook extensive consultation with decision-makers, the formal learning sector, the community and existing volunteers and using the consultation findings, Outside Studios put together an interpretation strategy and outline design. The designs and the ideas for activities were tested with staff, stakeholders, volunteers, community groups and schools and we developed the activity plan, the interpretation strategy and specification using the consultation findings.
Route to the Hills secured their Round 2 funding of £480,000 in December 2014.