Suffolk archives consultation developments

JHA held an enjoyable and successful stakeholder consultation workshop in Ipswich, to discuss future plans for the proposed waterfront archive facility – The Hold.

The Hold will be a new Record Office with state-of-the-art teaching facilities for Suffolk’s growing University, which will transform the delivery of the services across the county.

JHA fed back findings from the consultation to stakeholders of the project and discussed its implications for the proposed programmes.

About The Author

Julia Holberry is a fully qualified curator and Prince2 Project Manager and is accustomed to managing complex programmes with many interlocking strands of work. As a consultant she specialises in Heritage Lottery Fund bid documents and, since 2003, she has project managed 28 HLF bids and Activity Plans for heritage organisations, tourist attractions and museums, helping clients to secure nearly £109 million from external funders. In the past year she has worked on six successful HLF bids, helping to secure £55.7 million for clients.